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Module 4.3 Discussion

Module 4.3 Discussion

Q This week, rather than a team assignment, we're going to have a traditional full-class discussion that builds off the social justice issue analysis you've done thus far. Here's what to do: Pre-step: Review the preceding presentation regarding Cultural Bias in Psychology To ensure the necessary conceptual grounding. As this is our first Canvas discussion please also review the guidelines in the box at the bottom of the page. Step 1: Consider the prompt For your discussion postings this week, consider the following questions: • What is the social justice problem that you have chosen to analyze? (To be clear, this should be the same issue you've proposed and been researching for your literature review). o How would you succinctly describe this problem? o How has this concern come to your attention, and why is it problematic?? o What are the potential benefits of solving this problem? • What are some sociocultural or personal biases that could be playing a role in your perception or interpretation of the issue? o Remember, we all have biases! For example, consider cultural biases as well as emotions and historical traumas that may bias perspectives. • How might you operationally describe this problem so that it can potentially be studied scientifically? o Remember, operationally describing?the problem means that you'll need to clearly identify variables that can be manipulated and/or measured. • What is a plausible explanation—based in empirical research—for this problem behavior? o Use peer-reviewed articles to support your theory. Step 2: Post your initial reply Address all Step 1 prompts in several well-crafted paragraphs (versus a question and answer approach). Your initial post is due by 11:59 pm ET on Thursday. Step 3: Connect with your classmates Note: this is a post-first discussion. You must submit your initial post before you can view other students’ posts Respond to the initial posts of at least three classmates (regardless of whether they are members of your Capstone team). • In your responses to others,?try to respectfully challenge potential flaws in your peers' descriptions and explanations from the perspective of recognizing the influence of bias on assumptions. Peer replies are due by 11:59 pm ET on Sunday.

Q Evaluation Your contributions will be evaluated using the LA_PSY 498 Discussion Rubric. Discussions represent 20% of your final grade. Outcomes This activity assesses the following module outcomes: • M4-01: Discuss the goal of scientific thinking including limitations such as hidden and cultural biases. (CO 1, 2) • M4-04: Demonstrate psychology information literacy by reading and accurately summarizing complex ideas from psychological research. (CO2) • M4-05: Apply research design, analysis, and interpretation skills in psychology. (CO3) • M4-06: Demonstrate psychology information literacy by reading and accurately summarizing complex ideas from psychological research. (CO1) • M4-07: Discuss potential sociocultural factors and international contexts that may influence the design, analysis and interpretation of psychological research and social justice issues. (CO2) • M4-08: Demonstrate successful application of psychological theory and principles to selected social justice issue including potential limitations of research. (CO4) Discussion Forum Guidance Keep the following points in mind when participating in Canvas discussions: • Postings should display originality in thought and insightful synthesis. • Postings should demonstrate understanding of key concepts. • Responses should be original and stimulate discussion. • Remember to properly cite and reference your sources in APA format! • For maximum points in discussions, reply to at least?three?of your classmates' postings before Sunday night. It is also recommended that you write your post in a document first. Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to make your initial post, click on "Reply." Then copy/paste the text into the message field, and click “Post Reply.” • To respond to a peer, click “Reply” beneath her or his post and continue as with an initial post. Consult?the Discussion Forum Netiquette and Exemplary Participation page?for additional information.

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The social justice problem that I have chosen to analyze is titled "Impact of racism on the psychological wellbeing of working African-American women."Racism is a serious social justice issue that needs solving because it has destroyed many potential individuals who could do wonders and make this world better. It has deepened roots in our society and is not giving the margin to minorities to show their optimal functioning. It is argued that racism involves the predication of decisions and policies on considerations of race to subordinate a racial group.